Volt MX Go
Extend your Investment
Transform your Notes/Domino Apps into frontrunners
Extend, modernize, or migrate in half the time, cost, and risk with Volt MX Go
Harness the power of our multiexperience platform to extend your Domino apps into exceptional experiences
Enhance and transform your Domino apps into next-gen, multiexperience apps
Minimize the cost, time, and risk of a full application re-write
Retain existing business rules and logic, and data
Unleash citizen development and work with business units to deliver new apps

No other vendor has our experience and expertise in Domino. Rather than rebuilding, Volt MX Go enables you to use the power of the Volt MX platform with existing Notes/Domino applications today
what is volt mx?
what is volt mx go?

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator

CIO Guide: Extending and modernizing your investment without spending millions
• Common challenges faced by Domino customers
• Strategic factors to consider when evaluating platforms
• Why Volt MX Go makes the most business and technical sense for CIOs
• A step-by-step guide on how to get started
Why Re-platforming Your Apps Costs More with Competitor Solutions
• Re-creating every app from scratch
• Paying for a separate low-code platform license (Volt MX Go includes a Domino license)
• Manually converting data
• Adding another software tool for backend processes
• Converting only simple to moderately complex apps
• Losing advanced capabilities that lengthens development time
‘It’s Go Time!
Contact us to find out more and start your journey today